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GREAT® Fruit Fly Bait

Fruit Flies are invasive pests that attack several agricultural crops of high commercial value in tropical and subtropical regions of the world.


Effective fruit fly control is possible

With right product and right Methodology,

It can be cost-effective, highly efficient, clean and safe to the environment, fruit and humans!

GREAT® FRUIT FLY BAIT is a unique formula based on the knowledge of the biological behaviors and dynamics of fruit flies, especially their needs for special nutrients after emerging from the pupa.


Distinct Advantages:

Highly Efficient: Proper application can result in reduced fruit damage rate.

Cost Effective: Great value for money when measured in terms of productivity and utilization of resources.

Bio-Friendly: No harmful effect on the environment.

Clean and Safe: No chemical residue on fruits, therefore poses no health risk.

Effective against male and female fruit fly population: It is irresistible to both male and female fruit flies, especially to the newly emerged females in search of food source for egg development.


GREAT® Fruit Fly Bait offers the best solution for fruit fly problem, highly reducing average fruit damage rate caused by fruit flies to less than 1%