Great® Amino Acid Foliar Fertilizer

GREAT® Amino Acid Foliar Fertilizer is a whole-nutrient element foliar fertilizer specifically formulated for various crops. it contains micro-nutrients in chelated form that are typically deficient in most citrus trees and characterized by the high efficiency, balanced nutritional contents and improved disease resistance, which plays an important role in the metabolism of the plants.

1.       Main Ingredients:

Amino-acid 100g/L.



2.       Packaging unit

Available in 0.5 liter and 1 liter packets.

3.       Target

Vegetable, Fruit Trees, Flowers, Tobacco, Rice, etc.





4.       Use

For fruit trees:

Applied Time

Recommend Spray Method


After Blooming

Dilute 1:1000; Spray 1-2 times, at 20-day intervals.

Promotes flowering. Improves the rate of flower fertilization and fruit-bearing

During Fruiting

Dilute 1:500; Spray 1-2 times, at 20-day intervals.

Provides fruit with nutrients. Reduces the rate of fruit drop. Increases quantity of fruit harvested. Promotes regular, uniform growth of fruit. Improves the sugar content and quality of fruit.

During Harvest

Dilute 1:700; Spray once.

Retains quality and prolongs shelf-life of fruit.

For melon-typed vegetables:

Applied Time

Recommend Spray Method


3-5 days after transplant

 Dilute 1:1000; Spray once

Provides nutrition. Promotes recovery from damages incurred during transplanting

During Blooming

Dilute 1:1000; Spray once


Promotes flowering. Improves the rate of fruit bearing.

During Fruiting

Dilute 1:800; Spray 3-4 times at 15-day intervals.

Increases fruit weight; Promotes regular, uniform growth of fruit. Improves the sugar content and quality of fruit.


For leaf-typed vegetables and Flowers; Tobacco; Rice; etc:

Applied Time

Recommend Spray Method


3-5 days after transplanting

Dilute 1:1000; Spray once.

Provides nutrition; promotes recovery from damages incurred during transplanting.



Dilute 1:800; Spray 3-4 times at 15-day intervals.

Increases weight; Promotes regular, uniform growth of vegetables. Improves quality and prolongs shelf-life.

1) Spray on the foliage early in the morning or late in the evening.

2) Dosage can be modified by taking the deficiency of the micro-elements into consideration.

5.       Storage

Three years.

6.       Remarks

The quantity of product used should be adjusted according to the effect of the product and the expected results in the crop concerned. For the correct approach, please consult an ECOMAN BIOTECH specialist or a recognized distributor of ECOMAN BIOTECH products.

7.       Successful examples


Left: Applied GREAT® foliar fertilizer, Navel Oranges with even size, golden yellow.

   Right: Unapplied GREAT® foliar fertilizer, Navel Oranges with uneven size, light yellow.


Left: Applied GREAT® foliar fertilizer, Navel Oranges  fruit surface is smooth. Right: Unapplied GREAT® foliar fertilizer  Fruit surface is rough.
