TELEMO Automated Remote Monitoring System for Insect Pests

TELEMOTM is an automated, remote system for monitoring insect pests in agriculture, horticulture and forestry. Through integrating insect pheromone technology, photoelectric detection, wireless communication and information processing technology, this system could realize accurate, real-time surveys of insect pest populations, and facilitate immediate transmission and sharing of data online.


TELEMOTM Automated Remote Monitoring System Data Collection Client


 Deploy the TELEMOTM in your fields or orchards.


 Enter pest counts, scouting notes, and lure reminders in your smartphone or web browser.


Track pest data, lures, and pesticide applications from a single application.



TELEMOTM Automated Remote Monitoring System Application Client


Principles of the TELEMOTM


 1) Accurate and automated data recording

2)  Remotely controlled operation

3) Data transmitted via GSM

4) Self-sustained and maintenance free Software simple to implement and operate


TELEMOTM can be used in the monitoring of the following pests:



Fruit tree

Ostrinia furnacalis, Bactrocera cucurbitae, Etiella zinckenella, Maruca vitrata, Plutella xylostella, Laphygma exigua, Heliothis assulta, Helicoverpa armigera Hubner, Agrotis ipsilon, Agrotis segetum,Chilo suppressalis, Cnaphalocrocis medinalis, Ephestia elutella, Agrotis fucosa, etc.


Dichocrocis punctiferalis, Lyonetia clerkella, Bactrocera dorsalis, Grapholitha, Molesta;Grapholitha niponensis, Adoxophyesorana,Grapholitha funebrana, Paranthrene Regalis, etc.


Lymantria dispar, Dioryctria splendidella, Holcocerus insularis, Yponomeuta padella, Dendrolimus punctatus, Dendrolimus superans, Cydia trasias,etc.


Hyphantria cunea, Cydia pomonella, Ceratitis capitata, Spodoptera littoralis,Cryptophlebia leucotreta, etc.

Stored products

Tineola bisselliella Hummel, Plodia interpunctella Hubner, Trogoderma granarium Everts, Ephestia elutellaHübner, Ephestia kuehniella Zeller, etc.

 Working environment

        Working voltage: 12 V.

        Working temperature: -20~70.

        Working humidity: 0~100%.

        Pests size: 2mm~40mm.

        Time delay: No more than 5 seconds.

        Monitoring & report precision: 95%.


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Certification of the first sets

img12    img13

Computer software copyright Trade mark registration certificate

registration certificate


The Project Approval Certificate Of Innovation Fund


Excellent exhibition project award of CHINA-ASEAN Exposition

  Success examples

1Ordinary Applications


Fig 1: Monitoring Prodenia litura in Hainan Province by TELEMOTM


Fig 2: Monitoring oriental fruit fly in Fujian Province by TELEMOTM


Fig 3: Monitoring melon fly in Beijing by TELEMOTM

(2) Regional Applications


Network monitoring system for the Hlyphantria cunea in Haidian District


(1) Can the TELEMOTM detect more than one target insect?

The current version of the TELEMOTM is designed to detect one specific insect species. Certain limitations, such as the type of pheromone lure used to attract multiple insect species, precludes the use of the TELEMOTM for multiple insects. But Ecoman is currently researching mechanisms to allow multiple insect monitoring via the TELEMOTM.

(2) Does the TELEMOTM require a lure?

Yes. A standard pheromone lure must be inserted into the TELEMOTM to attract the target insects.

(3) Can I use any kind of lure, or is a specific type required?

Any kind of lure can be used. The TELEMOTM can use the same type of lure that is used with traditional traps.

(4) Do you supply the lure?

YES. But you also can purchase the lure from any other supplier that currently provides the lures for your manual sticky traps.

(5) What is the communication range of the Z-Trap?

In fact there is no limit to the distance. TELEMOTM sends the information via GSM.

(6) What does the base station do?

The base station is responsible for aggregating all the information collected by the TELEMOTM and uploading it to the Application Client.

(7) Can the TELEMOTM tell the difference between a target and non-target species?

The TELEMOTM relies on a number of characteristics of the system, such as sensor response, pheromone lure selectivity, and target insect flying time, to estimate the number of target insects detected by the system. Although the correspondence between the number of target insects captured by the TELEMOTM and the number reported is not 100% accurate, they are highly correlated.

(8) Do I need to download data from the TELEMOTM?

No. The TELEMOTM automatically transmits all of its data directly to the Application Client .

(9) Do you own the data or does the TELEMOTM owner own the data?

The data collected by the Z-Traps can be an important tool in the research and development of new IPM technologies. Although the data belongs to Ecoman, we will not disclose any information without your consent.

(10) How is the TELEMOTM powered?

The TELEMOTM is powered by a high density lithium iron phosphate rechargeable battery. These batteries are as safe as the lithium ion batteries used in laptop computers and mobile phones, and can be charged via a solar panel for perpetual use.

(11) How do I get a TELEMOTM repaired?

Please contact us.

(12) Do I have to subscribe to MyTraps if I purchase a TELEMOTM?

You do need an Application Client account to be able to visualize the data collected by the TELEMOTM. However, as a TELEMOTM user you do not have to pay a subscription fee.